Living with Compassion and Gratitude with Hope for a Brighter Future
Aiming Toward Self-Sustainability

Kyotera, Uganda
Water Well Construction
Planting of Food Garden for Self-Sustainability
Purchase of Small Plot of Land for Coffee Production
to Market and Sell for Further Self-Sustainability
The Long and Dangerous Trek to The Swamp
Through our donors generous donations, we have taken the first step toward our dream of clean, accessible water. We were able to purchase a solar powered water pump. The children were so happy and excited to receive it!
Here is what we still need:

Water Insecurity
The center lacks many basic resources. They don’t have running water but have to trek 45 minutes each way to a swamp to fetch water from a contaminated swamp which is directly downstream of where people release their raw sewage. The children regularly get sick from drinking this water and some have come down with life threatening Typhoid and had to be hospitalized. As if that wasn’t dangerous enough, the girls are at great risk of being raped or abducted along the way to the swamp. With only 2 adults accompanying them, they are, indeed, very vulnerable.

2 Solar Panels -Cost: $250 each (Still Needed)
Water Tank Cost: 10,000 liter tank: $850 (Still Urgently Needed!)
Digging of the Well $600 (Still Needed)
Purification Buckets (Obtained!)
Solar Powered Water Pump (Obtained!)
Water Accessibilty
Please help us achieve our dream
The Journey to the Dream of Clean Water

We need a WATER TANK NOW More than Ever!
Rainy Season is Here!
Constant rain and mud prevents our water trek now!
We are catching rain water in a cooking pan! There is not enough water for the children!
Rakai, Uganda 7/10/24 The rainy season has started here and raw sewage flows directly to the well where children go fetch water for their daily use. The rains increase the direct and easy flow of sewage into the water source which is a big challenge to us.
We would suggest that if we could in any way find a way to have a water tank at center to collect the rain waters into the tank, this could help us make good use of the current rain water which is pure for poor kids and also reserve water for a period when kids don't trek every day for water pick up moreover contaminated.
This clearly means that by the time, we shall have gotten funds to our long awaited water source at center, kids shall be having a water tank for at least rain waters to use.
A week ago one little girl called Jane ran and fell down when a stray dog was running after a group of these our kids on their way back from the swampy well, unfortunately I was not among the group that had escorted the kids, so Phiona felt the heat. God is good that Jane was not bitten by that dog as Phiona tried to make an alarm and community did chased the dog. So all those risks can be minimized when we consider rain waters to be availed at center as we pray for permanent clean and safe water at the center.
The video below shows what we are having to do for water.
A 10,000 litre water tank costs $850

THANK YOU for any help!
At RakaiVHC,we've got an
attitude of gratitude.
This woman’s husband drown in a lake and left her a widow and homeless with her four young boys. They took refuge in a dilapidated, abandoned church with no roof or walls.
They were attacked late at night and beaten. One of the boys was as so severely beaten, he was hit with a stick injuring his penis and causing him to urinate blood and lose consciousness.
He required surgery that was paid for by our friend Periel Stanfield and donations by her friends and family. This family has nowhere to go. Imran has given up his own mattress for them to sleep on and he now sleeps on the floor. Please help this family to find a suitable dwelling place as the accommodations at the center are too crowded and lack enough resources for them.

Before the Attack
After the Attack
Update!! Though our outreach on her behalf, this mother was able to find a job that gave her and her children a place to live!
Widow with Four Young Boys Attacked!

We rescued a puppy ! Check out the video of his first bath.
This puppy, whom we named Valient, saw his poor dear mother killed and eaten by cruel and depraved people. He now lives at Rakai Vulnerable Home Center. Please help us provide for him. We have already received funds for his neuter and first round of vaccinations but he needs booster shots and food.