Rakai Vulnerable Home Center is officially registered with and endorsed by the local government in the Kyotera/Rakai District of Uganda.

Founder of Rakai Vulnerable Home Center holding a certificate
Founder of Rakai Vulnerable Home Center holding a certificate
Kintu Kisekulo -District Chairperson Kyotera District
Kintu Kisekulo -District Chairperson Kyotera District

RVHC is recognized and acknowledged for their work in the community to help not only orphan children but widows and other vulnerable persons and to promote kindness to animals.

Words of thanks and praise from District Governor Kisekulo

Endorsement by Member of Ugandan Parliament

Endorsement by Rakai District Department of Education

Testimonial by a Visitor from the UK

We were honored with the pleasure of an in-person visit from Mr.Tony Staples and his partner who traveled to Uganda from the UK to work with our friends at Journey Achieving Miracles.